Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Comfort Pie for Hump Day

What's more appropriate than good old comfort food to get you over the hump on hump day?  I actually made this for dinner last night but got to thinking that hump day would be a great day to make it because everyone has left overs in the ice box by Wednesday.  You don't have to necessarily make it with left overs but using left overs is so much easier after a long day at work.

Sunday night we had Almond Crusted Chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and green beans.  I had left overs from that big meal I fixed.  I also had some potatoes left over from a pot roast we had on Monday.  I was frantically racking my brain on what to do with the chicken since Doug IS NOT a chicken lover when Shepard Pie came to mind.  I decided to make my own version of Shepard Pie with chicken.  I didn't think calling it Shepard Pie was appropriate since there was no beef in it.  I also was not in the mood for Taco Tuesday.  Since all the left overs were comfort foods, thus came the name Comfort Pie.

The ingredients you will need are:

One pre-made pie crust (I used Best Choice Rolled Pie Crust-I like this brand) If you want to make your own crust go for it but the whole point is to have something easy and quick to put together after a long day.

Chicken cut bite size pieces
Gravy slightly heated in microwave for easy pour
Green Beans or whatever veggie you have left over
Mashed potatoes
Butter slices
Sliced potatoes (mine were from pot roast)

Preheat oven 350.

Unroll pie crust into pan.
Mix chicken and gravy together, then pour into crust as first layer.
Next layer is green beans or whatever veggie you have.
Then spread mashed potatoes from center out to about an inch from the edge of the crust.
Take stuffing and break it up so that you can sprinkle around the edge of the crust to make a ring around the edge.
Slice some butter and arrange the slices over the top of the pie.
Now top with the sliced potatoes.
Time to salt and pepper to taste.
Bake for about 45 min. to an hour until crust is cooked.  The stuffing and sliced potatoes will be crispy on top.

The crust adds a wonderful flavor to it all.  Even Doug liked it and will eat it again.  You can take this recipe and add whatever left overs from your comfort food you have.  It makes a nice meal for a cool fall evening or a cold winter night.

The two of us ate half the pan and we could have had it for tonight too but I wasn't going to push my luck with Doug.  Ha ha lol!  And NO THIS IS NOT a low carb dish.  You can't make comfort food low carb generally.

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